Bible Love

Ever imagined how life would be like if we chose our partners according to the Bible? Imagine if we went and married that one person who is known for being around way to often like Gomer did, and still loved that person as Hosea loved Gomer. And not give a care what other people think, I mean sure they’re going to talk looking at you like you’re crazy but we shouldn’t mind what they say but only care about God thinks and says of you.

Nobody is perfect so why should we judge someone of their past? I mean their future could be brighter with you in their lives, let’s try living our lives as the Bible wants us to. Love people as we do ourselves, I’m pretty sure if you were like Gomer you’d also want to be judged not. Let’s love like “1 Corinthians 13:4-8” points to us how love is like and be like Hosea in “Hosea 3”. Then maybe we will have have perfect imperfect relationships. But first we need to have God in our lives, God is love, the love we will share with our partners is God’s love or rather “God” since we show we have him in our lives but showing love.